Sending Runner Status and Events to External Systems

Runner can store event and status data locally for retrieval, it can also emit this information via callbacks provided to the module interface.

Alternatively Runner can be configured to send events to an external system via installable plugins. Currently, there are two example plugins are available.

Please refer to respective repos to configure these plugins.

Event Structure

There are two types of events that are emitted via plugins:

  • status events:

    These are sent whenever Runner’s status changes (see Runner.status_handler) for example:

    {"status": "running", "runner_ident": "XXXX" }
  • ansible events:

    These are sent during playbook execution for every event received from Ansible (see Playbook and Host Events) for example:

    {"runner_ident": "XXXX", <rest of event structure> }

Writing your own Plugin

In order to write your own plugin interface and have it be picked up and used by Runner there are a few things that you’ll need to do.

After installing this, Runner will see the plugin and invoke the functions when status and events are sent. If there are any errors in your plugin they will be raised immediately and Runner will fail.