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Running your EE

You can run your EE on the command line against localhost or a remote target using ansible-navigator.

There are other tools besides ansible-navigator you can run EEs with.

Run against localhost

  1. Create a test_localhost.yml playbook.

    cat > test_localhost.yml<<EOF
    - name: Gather and print local facts
      hosts: localhost
      become: true
      gather_facts: true
      - name: Print facts
          var: ansible_facts
  2. Run the playbook inside the postgresql_ee EE.

    ansible-navigator run test_localhost.yml --execution-environment-image postgresql_ee --mode stdout --pull-policy missing --container-options='--user=0'

You may notice the facts being gathered are about the container and not the developer machine. This is because the ansible playbook was run inside the container.

Run against a remote target

Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • At least one IP address or resolvable hostname for a remote target.
  • Valid credentials for the remote host.
  • A user with sudo permissions on the remote host.

Execute a playbook inside the postgresql_ee EE against a remote host machine as in the following example:

  1. Create a directory for inventory files.

    mkdir inventory
  2. Create the hosts.yml inventory file in the inventory directory.

    cat > inventory/hosts.yml<<EOF
      hosts:  # Replace with the IP of your target host
  3. Create a test_remote.yml playbook.

    cat > test_remote.yml<<EOF
    - name: Gather and print facts
      hosts: all
      gather_facts: true
      - name: Print facts
          var: ansible_facts
  4. Run the playbook inside the postgresql_ee EE.

    Replace student with the appropriate username. Some arguments in the command can be optional depending on your target host authentication method.

    ansible-navigator run test_remote.yml -i inventory --execution-environment-image postgresql_ee:latest --mode stdout --pull-policy missing --enable-prompts -u student -k -K

SSH key forwarding

If you run Ansible with SSH-key-based authentication to avoid authentication prompts, use ssh-agent to forward the SSH keys to your EE:

eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add </path/to/your/private/key>

To test the preceding playbook, add the remote_user: <your_ssh_user> field to the play and then run:

ansible-navigator run test_remote.yml -i inventory --execution-environment-image postgresql_ee:latest --mode stdout --pull-policy missing

See also