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Ansible Collection Policies

This doc explains the necessary ansible-build-data changes to enforce Ansible Community Steering Committee Policies such as Removal from Ansible and Repository management.

Removal from Ansible


Repository management


From ansible 7.2.0 onwards, each release contains a ansible-VERSION-tags.yaml data file in this repository. This file contains a mapping of collections to their git repositories and the git tag that corresponds to the version of a collection included in the ansible release.

The Ansible release playbook generates this tags data file during the antsibull-build prepare step and later runs the antsibull-build validate-tags-file command to validate it.

It is also possible to separately run antsibull-build validate-tags-file. For example, to validate the tags file for ansible 7.5.0, run

$ antsibull-build validate-tags-file 7/ansible-7.5.0-tags.yaml
cisco.nso 1.0.3 is not tagged in
hpe.nimble 1.1.4 is not tagged in
mellanox.onyx 1.0.0 is not tagged in
$ echo $?

Since these collections were not properly tagged prior to this policy's formalization, they are listed in 7/validate-tags-ignores. The release playbook passes that file to antsibull-build validate-tags-file's --ignores-file flag to ignore errors for those collections.

$ antsibull-build validate-tags-file --ignores-file 7/validate-tags-ignores 7/ansible-7.5.0-tags.yaml
(no output)
$ echo $?

When building future ansible versions, any untagged collections will cause ansible-build validate-tags-file to fail.


Prior to ansible 9.0.0a1, the release playbook treats validation errors as warnings. In ansible 9.0.0a1 and onwards, these validation errors constitute release blockers. The playbook will fail if any new collection releases are not properly tagged.


It is recommended to run the release playbook with ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_RESULT_FORMAT=yaml so error messages and any other playbook output are more legible.

In case of violations, the release manager must preform the following steps:

  1. First, the collection must be restricted to the previous tagged release in the ansible-VERSION.constraints file.

    Take the community.docker collection as an example. If its version 3.9.0 was released and correctly tagged, and 3.9.1 was released but not correctly tagged, add

    community.docker: <3.9.1
  2. Commit only the changed ansible-VERSION.constraints file:

    git add 8/ansible-8.constraints
    git commit -m "pin community.docker to previous release"
  3. Rerun the release playbook. In this example, the ansible distribution will be built with community.docker 3.9.0 even though community.docker 3.9.1 is the latest version.

  4. Proceed with the rest of the release process as normal. Commit the other changed files. The collection release PR should be applied using the Rebase and merge option (as opposed to Squash and merge) so the first commit can be more easily reverted when/if the collection fixes the issue.

  5. The release manager or another community member needs to file an issue in the violating collection's issue tracker. This part should not block the current ansible package release, but the issue must have been filed before the following minor release. The following issue template can be used:

    Hi! As part of the ansible community package release process, we've determined that version {VERSION} of {COLLECTION} was released to Ansible Galaxy but not properly tagged in this Git repository.
    This violates the [repository management][1] section of the Collection Requirements:
    > Every collection MUST have a public git repository. Releases of the collection MUST be tagged in said repository. This means that releases MUST be `git tag`ed and that the tag name MUST exactly match the Galaxy version number. Tag names MAY have a `v` prefix, but a collection's tag names MUST have a consistent format from release to release.
    > Additionally, collection artifacts released to Galaxy MUST be built from the sources that are tagged in the collection's git repository as that release. Any changes made during the build process MUST be clearly documented so the collection artifact can be reproduced.
    Until this issue is fixed, ansible package releases will contain {OLD VERSION}, the previous version of this collection that was properly tagged. If the collection maintainers do not respond to this issue within a reasonable amount of time, the collection is subject to [Removal from ansible][2].
  6. Post a comment in with a link to the issue.