Frequently asked questions¶
- Execution environments
- The ansible.cfg file
- Placement of ansible collections
- ansible-navigator settings
- What is the order in which configuration settings are applied?
- Why does ansible-navigator change the terminal colors or look terrible?
- How can I change the colors used by ansible-navigator
- What's with all these site-artifact-2021-06-02T16:02:33.911259+00:00.json files in the playbook directory?
- Why does vi open when I use :open?
- How do I define volume mounts using an environment variable?
- How can tls-verify be disabled when an execution environment image is being pulled?
- SSH keys
- Compatibility with ansible-* utilities
- Why does the playbook hang when vars_prompt, pause/prompt or --ask-pass is used?
- How can I use ansible-test without having it locally installed?
- How do I use ansible-playbook parameters like --forks 15?
- How can I use syntax-check with ansible-navigator?
- How can I use a vault password with ansible-navigator?
- Other
Execution environments¶
What is an execution environment?¶
An execution environment is a container image serving as an Ansible control node.
See the Getting started with Execution Environments guide for details.
The ansible.cfg
Where should the ansible.cfg
file go when using an execution environment?¶
The easiest place to have the ansible.cfg
is in the project directory adjacent
to the playbook. The playbook directory is automatically mounted in the
execution environment and the ansible.cfg
file will be found. If the
file is in another directory, the ANSIBLE_CONFIG
variable needs
to be set and the directory specified as a custom volume mount. (See the
settings guide for execution-environment-volume-mounts
Where should the ansible.cfg
file go when not using an execution environment?¶
Ansible will look for the ansible.cfg
in the typical locations when not using
an execution-environment. (See the ansible docs for the possibilities)
Placement of ansible collections¶
Where should ansible collections be placed when using an execution environment?¶
The easiest place to have ansible collections is in the project directory, in a
playbook adjacent collections directory. (eg
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils -p ./collections
). The
playbook directory is automatically mounted in the execution environment and the
collections should be found. Another option is to build the collections into an
execution environment using
ansible builder. This was
done to help playbook developers author playbooks that are production ready, as
both ansible controller and awx support playbook adjacent collection
directories. If the collections are in another directory, the
variable needs to be set and the directory specified
as a custom volume mount. (See the settings guide for
Where should ansible collections be placed when not using an execution environment?¶
When not using an execution environment, ansible will look in the default locations for collections. For more information about these, check out the collections guide.
What is the order in which configuration settings are applied?¶
The configuration system of ansible-navigator pulls in settings from various sources and applies them hierarchically in the following order (where the last applied changes are the most prevalent):
- Default internal values
- Values from a settings file
- Values from environment variables
- Flags and arguments specified on the command line
- While issuing
commands within the text-based user interface (TUI)
Why does ansible-navigator
change the terminal colors or look terrible?¶
queries the terminal for its OSC4 compatibility. OSC4, 10,
11, 104, 110, 111 indicate the terminal supports color changing and reverting.
It is possible that the terminal is misrepresenting its ability. OSC4 detection
can be disabled by setting --osc4 false
. (See the
settings guide for how to handle this with an environment
variable or in the settings file)
How can I change the colors used by ansible-navigator
Full theme support should come in a later release, for now, try --osc4 false
This will cause ansible-navigator
to use the terminal's defined colors. (See
the settings guide for how to handle this with an environment
variable or in the settings file)
What's with all these site-artifact-2021-06-02T16:02:33.911259+00:00.json
files in the playbook directory?¶
creates a playbook artifact for every playbook run. These
can be helpful for reviewing the outcome of automation after it is complete,
sharing and troubleshooting with a colleague, or keeping for compliance or
change-control purposes. The playbook artifact file contains the detailed
information about every play and task, as well as the stdout from the playbook
run. Playbook artifacts can be review with ansible-navigator replay <filename>
or :replay <filename>
while in an ansible-navigator session. All playbook
artifacts can be reviewed with both --mode stdout
and --mode interactive
depending on the desired view. Playbook artifacts writing can be disabled and
the default file naming convention changed as well.(See the
settings guide for additional information)
Why does vi
open when I use :open
will open anything showing in the terminal in the default
editor. The default is set to either vi +{line_number} {filename}
or the
current value of the EDITOR
environment variable. Related to this is the
setting which indicates if the editor is console/terminal
based. Here are examples of alternate settings that may be useful:
How do I define volume mounts using an environment variable?¶
Because the definition of a volume mount may contain the :
these need to be
delimited with a ;
$ ansible-navigator exec
bash-4.4# ls /tmp/1
How can tls-verify
be disabled when an execution environment image is being pulled?¶
Although disabling TLS verification is not recommended, it may be necessary in lab and non-production environments. The pull policy parameters can be provided on the command line or in the settings file.
SSH keys¶
How do I use my SSH keys with an execution environment?¶
The simplest way to use SSH keys with an execution environment is to use
and use default key names. Register keys as needed if they do not
use one of the default key names. (~/.ssh/id_rsa
, ~/.ssh/id_dsa
, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
, and ~/.ssh/identity
. (eg
ssh-add ~/.ssh/my_key
). ansible-navigator
will automatically setup and
enable the use of ssh-agent
within the execution environment by volume
mounting the SSH authentication socket path and setting the SSH_AUTH_SOCK
environment variable. (eg
-v /run/user/1000/keyring/:/run/user/1000/keyring/ -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh
(as seen in the ansible-navigator
log file when using an execution environment
and --log-level debug
The use of ssh-agent
results in the simplest configuration and eliminates
issues with SSH key passphrases when using ansible-navigator
with execution
Additionally, ansible-navigator
will automatically volume mount the user's SSH
keys into the execution environment in 2 different locations to assist users not
running ssh-agent
- For compatibility with SSH connections using OpenSSH, the keys are mounted
into the home directory of the default user within the execution environment
as specified by the user's entry in the execution environment's
file. When using OpenSSH withoutssh-agent
, only keys using the default names (id_rsa
, andid_xmss
) will be used. The use ofansible_ssh_private_key_file
will enable the use of non-default named keys.
-v /home/current_user/.ssh/:/root/.ssh/
(as seen in the ansible-navigator
log file when using an execution environment and --log-level debug
- For compatibility with SSH connections using
, the keys are mounted into the home directory of the default user within the execution environment as specified by theHOME
environment variable within the execution environment. When usingparamiko
, only key using default names (id_rsa
, andid_ed25519
) will by used. The use ofansible_ssh_private_key_file
will enable the use of non-default named keys.
-v /home/current_user/.ssh/:/home/runner/.ssh/
(as seen in the
log file when using an execution environment and
--log-level debug
Note: When using ansible_ssh_private_key_file
with execution environments, the
path to the key needs to reference it's location after being volume mounted to
the execution environment. (eg /home/runner/.ssh/key_name
). It may be convenient to specify the path to the key as
which will resolve to the user's home directory with or
without the use of an execution environment.
Compatibility with ansible-*
Why does the playbook hang when vars_prompt
, pause/prompt
or --ask-pass
is used?¶
By default ansible-navigator
runs the playbook in the same manner that ansible
controller and AWX would run the playbook. This was done to help playbook
developers author playbooks that would be ready for production. If the use of
, pause\prompt
or --ask-pass
can not be avoided, use the
parameter that disables playbook-artifact
creation and sets
the mode to stdout
causing ansible-navigator
to run the playbook in a manner
that is compatible with ansible-playbook
and allows for user interaction.
How can I use ansible-test
without having it locally installed?¶
The ansible-test
utility can be used from within an execution environment
using the exec
$ cd ./collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils/
$ ansible-navigator exec -- ansible-test sanity --python 3.10
How do I use ansible-playbook
parameters like --forks 15
All parameters not directly used by ansible-navigator
will be passed to the
command. These can be provided inline after the
parameters or delimited by a --
How can I use syntax-check with ansible-navigator
To check for basic syntax errors in an Ansible playbook, one can use
ansible-navigator run
command to validate the syntax of a playbook. This also
allows user to specify an EE while validating the syntax.
In case of any failure in syntax validation, a syntax error is reported with the output that includes the approximate location of the syntax issue in the playbook.
How can I use a vault password with ansible-navigator
The following options provide a vault password to ansible-navigator
when using
the text-based user interface (TUI). Please ensure these do not conflict with
your enterprise security standards. Do not add password files to source
- Store the vault password securely on the local file system
You can create an encrypted file with your tool of choice, gpg, openssl, etc. But note that gpg is better because you can leverage the gpg-agent in order to not have to introduce your password all the time.
Then you create a shell script that runs the decrypt command, eg:
Add a simple shellscript to your project:
with the result of that script and
to this script as you run ansible-navigator:
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD="$( ~/bin/ )" ansible-navigator run --penv=ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD (...)
It won't even display your password in ps for other users.
- Store the vault password (clear text, insecurely) on the local file system
$ touch ~/.vault_password
$ chmod 600 ~/.vault_password
# The leading space here is necessary to keep the command out of the command history
$ echo my_password >> ~/.vault_password
# Link the password file into the current working directory
$ ln ~/.vault_password .
# Set the environment variable to the location of the file
$ export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=.vault_password
# Pass the variable into the execution-environment
$ ansible-navigator run --pass-environment-variable ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE site.yml
- Store the vault password in an environment variable
This is a less secure version of the first option.
Chances are that your environment prohibits saving passwords in clear text on disk. If you are subject to such a rule, then this will obviously include any command history file your shell saves to disk.
In case you use bash, you can leverage HISTCONTROL and an environment variable as shown in the following example.
$ touch ~/
$ chmod 700 ~/
$ echo -e '#!/bin/sh\necho ${ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD}' >> ~/
# Link the password file into the current working directory
$ ln ~/ .
# The leading space here is necessary to keep the command out of the command history
# by using an environment variable prefixed with ANSIBLE it will automatically get passed
# into the execution environment
$ HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
$ export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD=my_password
# Set the environment variable to the location of the file when executing ansible-navigator
$ ansible-navigator run site.yml
Additional information about ansible-vault
can be found
How can complex commands be run inside an execution-environment?¶
The easiest way to pass complex commands to an execution environment is by using
the --
delimiter. Everything after the --
will be passed into the
$ ansible-navigator exec -- ansible --version | head -n 1 | awk -F '\\[|\\]|\\s' '{print $4}'
Why did I get an error about /dev/mqueue
Although the /dev/mqueue
directory is not used by ansible-navigator
, it is
currently required when using podman
. Not all operating systems have a
directory by default.
Please reference the documentation for your operating system related to POSIX message queues, or simply create the directory.
Something didn't work, how can I troubleshoot it?¶
has reasonable logging messages, debug logging can be
enabled with --log-level debug
. If you think you might have found a bug,
log an issue
and include the details from the log file.