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Release process for python packages

Thanks to the integrations which are in place, it is very easy to release a newer version of our python projects i.e. ansible-lint, ansible-navigator, ansible-compat and molecule.

Anyone with appropriate permission to the respective projects will be able to rollout a new release.

If we go to the Github Releases section, we'll be able to see something like:

Release draft

This shows the upcoming version with changes to be included in the next release.

We use release-drafter which helps us to get the changelog for the releases. When a PR is merged, release-drafter runs and adds PR details to the changelog as shown above.

Releasing a new version

Go to Draft a new release inside Github releases and release it! while being sure that you create a discussion thread for it. This will create a new tag. Once released, the latest version will be deployed and published to PyPI registry.

This release process is applicable to all our python based projects.