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Usage of tox-ansible

From the root of your collection, create an empty tox-ansible.ini file and list the available environments:

touch tox-ansible.ini
tox list --ansible --conf tox-ansible.ini

A list of dynamically generated Ansible environments will be displayed:

default environments:
integration-py3.11-2.14      -> Integration tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core 2.14 and python 3.11
integration-py3.11-devel     -> Integration tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core devel and python 3.11
integration-py3.11-milestone -> Integration tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core milestone and python 3.11
sanity-py3.11-2.14           -> Sanity tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core 2.14 and python 3.11
sanity-py3.11-devel          -> Sanity tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core devel and python 3.11
sanity-py3.11-milestone      -> Sanity tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core milestone and python 3.11
unit-py3.11-2.14             -> Unit tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core 2.14 and python 3.11
unit-py3.11-devel            -> Unit tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core devel and python 3.11
unit-py3.11-milestone        -> Unit tests for ansible.scm using ansible-core milestone and python 3.11

These represent the available testing environments. Each denotes the type of tests that will be run, the Python interpreter used to run the tests, and the Ansible version used to run the tests.

To run tests with a single environment, simply run the following command:

tox -e sanity-py3.11-2.14 --ansible --conf tox-ansible.ini

To run tests with multiple environments, simply add the environment names to the command:

tox -e sanity-py3.11-2.14,unit-py3.11-2.14 --ansible --conf tox-ansible.ini

To run all tests of a specific type in all available environments, use the factor -f flag:

tox -f unit --ansible -p auto --conf tox-ansible.ini

To run all tests across all available environments:

tox --ansible -p auto --conf tox-ansible.ini

Note: The -p auto flag will run multiple tests in parallel. Note: The specific Python interpreter will need to be pre-installed on your system, e.g.:

sudo dnf install python3.9

To review the specific commands and configuration for each of the integration, sanity, and unit factors:

tox config --ansible --conf tox-ansible.ini

Generate specific GitHub action matrix as per scope mentioned with --matrix-scope:

tox --ansible --gh-matrix --matrix-scope unit --conf tox-ansible.ini

A list of dynamically generated Ansible environments will be displayed specifically for unit tests:

    "description": "Unit tests using ansible 2.9 and python 3.8",
    "factors": [
    "name": "unit-py3.8-2.9",
    "python": "3.8"
    "description": "Unit tests using ansible-core milestone and python 3.12",
    "factors": [
    "name": "unit-py3.12-milestone",
    "python": "3.12"

Passing command line arguments to ansible-test / pytest

The behavior of the ansible-test (for sanity-* environments) or pytest (for unit-* and integration-* environments) commands can be customized by passing further command line arguments to it, e.g., by invoking tox like this:

tox -f sanity --ansible --conf tox-ansible.ini -- --test validate-modules -vvv

The arguments after the -- will be passed to the ansible-test command. Thus in this example, only the validate-modules sanity test will run, but with an increased verbosity.

Same can be done to pass arguments to the pytest commands for the unit-* and integration-* environments:

tox -e unit-py3.11-2.15 --ansible --conf tox-ansible.ini -- --junit-xml=tests/output/junit/unit.xml

Usage in a CI/CD pipeline

The repo contains a GitHub workflow that can be used in a GitHub actions CI/CD pipeline. The workflow will run all tests across all available environments unless limited by the skip option in the tox-ansible.ini file.

Each environment will be run in a separate job. The workflow will run all jobs in parallel.

The GitHub matrix is dynamically created by tox-ansible using the --gh-matrix and --ansible flags. The list of environments is converted to a list of entries in json format and added to the file specified by the "GITHUB_OUTPUT" environment variable. The workflow will read this file and use it to create the matrix.

A sample use of the GitHub workflow might look like this:

name: Test collection

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    branches: [main]

    uses: ansible/tox-ansible/.github/workflows/run.yml@main

Sample json

  // ...
    "description": "Integration tests using ansible-core devel and python 3.11",
    "factors": ["integration", "py3.11", "devel"],
    "name": "integration-py3.11-devel",
    "python": "3.11"
  // ...

Testing molecule scenarios

Although the tox-ansible plugin does not have functionality specific to molecule, it can be a powerful tool to run molecule scenarios across a matrix of Ansible and Python versions.

This can be accomplished by presenting molecule scenarios as integration tests available through pytest using the pytest-ansible plugin, which is installed when tox-ansible is installed.

Assuming the following collection directory structure:
├── extensions
   ├── molecule
      ├── playbook
         ├── create.yml
         ├── converge.yml
         ├── molecule.yml
         └── verify.yml
      ├── plugins
         ├── create.yml
         ├── converge.yml
         ├── molecule.yml
         └── verify.yml
      ├── targets
         ├── create.yml
         ├── converge.yml
         ├── molecule.yml
         └── verify.yml
├── playbooks
   └── site.yaml
├── plugins
   ├── action
   ├── modules
├── tests
   ├── integration
      │── targets
         ├── success
            └── tasks
                └── main.yaml
├── tox-ansible.ini
└── tox.ini

Individual molecule scenarios can be added to the collection's extension directory to test playbooks, roles, and integration targets.

In order to present each molecule scenario as an individual pytest test a new helper file is added.

# tests/integration/

"""Tests for molecule scenarios."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from pytest_ansible.molecule import MoleculeScenario

def test_integration(molecule_scenario: MoleculeScenario) -> None:
    """Run molecule for each scenario.

    :param molecule_scenario: The molecule scenario object
    proc = molecule_scenario.test()
    assert proc.returncode == 0

The molecule_scenario fixture parametrizes the molecule scenarios found within the collection and creates an individual pytest test for each which will be run during any integration-* environment.

This approach provides the flexibility of running the molecule scenarios directly with molecule, pytest or tox. Additionally, presented as native pytest tests, the molecule scenarios should show in the pytest test tree in the user's IDE.