Admin user account configuration

Admin user account configuration

There are three variables that are customizable for the admin user account creation.

Name Description Default
admin_user Name of the admin user admin
admin_email Email of the admin user
admin_password_secret Secret that contains the admin user password Empty string

:warning: admin_password_secret must be a Kubernetes secret and not your text clear password.

If admin_password_secret is not provided, the operator will look for a secret named <resourcename>-admin-password for the admin password. If it is not present, the operator will generate a password and create a Secret from it named <resourcename>-admin-password.

To retrieve the admin password, run kubectl get secret <resourcename>-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

The secret that is expected to be passed should be formatted as follow:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: <resourcename>-admin-password
  namespace: <target namespace>
  password: mysuperlongpassword

Secret Key Configuration

This key is used to encrypt sensitive data in the database.

Name Description Default
secret_key_secret Secret that contains the symmetric key for encryption Generated

:warning: secret_key_secret must be a Kubernetes secret and not your text clear secret value.

If secret_key_secret is not provided, the operator will look for a secret named <resourcename>-secret-key for the secret key. If it is not present, the operator will generate a password and create a Secret from it named <resourcename>-secret-key. It is important to not delete this secret as it will be needed for upgrades and if the pods get scaled down at any point. If you are using a GitOps flow, you will want to pass a secret key secret.

The secret should be formatted as follow:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: custom-awx-secret-key
  namespace: <target namespace>
  secret_key: supersecuresecretkey

Then specify the secret name on the AWX spec:

  secret_key_secret: custom-awx-secret-key