Extra settings

Extra Settings

Withextra_settings, you can pass multiple custom settings via the awx-operator. The parameter extra_settings will be appended to the /etc/tower/settings.py and can be an alternative to the extra_volumes parameter.

Name Description Default
extra_settings Extra settings ''

Note: Parameters configured in extra_settings are set as read-only settings in AWX. As a result, they cannot be changed in the UI after deployment. If you need to change the setting after the initial deployment, you need to change it on the AWX CR spec.

Example configuration of extra_settings parameter

      - setting: MAX_PAGE_SIZE
        value: "500"

      - setting: AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN
        value: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"

      - setting: LOG_AGGREGATOR_LEVEL
        value: "'DEBUG'"

Note for some settings, such as LOG_AGGREGATOR_LEVEL, the value may need double quotes.


Alternatively, you can pass any additional settings by mounting ConfigMaps or Secrets of the python files (*.py) that contain custom settings to under /etc/tower/conf.d/ in the web and task pods. See the example of custom.py in the Custom Volume and Volume Mount Options section.