14. Execution Environment Setup Reference

For detailed information about the execution environment definition, refer to the Ansible Builder documentation.

14.1. Default execution environment for AWX

The example in test/data/pytz requires the awx.awx collection in the execution environment definition. The lookup plugin awx.awx.tower_schedule_rrule requires the PyPI pytz and another library to work. If test/data/pytz/execution-environment.yml file is provided to the ansible-builder build command, then it will install the collection inside the image, read the requirements.txt file inside of the collection, and then install pytz into the image.

The image produced can be used inside of an ansible-runner project by placing these variables inside the env/settings file, inside of the private data directory.

container_image: image-name
process_isolation_executable: podman # or docker
process_isolation: true

The awx.awx collection is a subset of content included in the default AWX execution environment. More details can be found in the awx-ee repository.